Is that you?

Reams of Japanese learning programs boast of high "enrollment" numbers... of "user bases" in the millions. We work with a far smaller number of dedicated learners not satisfied with grab-and-go language models. Language takes time, and Maplopers know it.

Maplopers are learners who want more from their efforts; more from themselves. If you want access to that kind of learning, greater access to communication and literacy that stops you... that stalls you, and then moments later propels you forward, then we invite you to join us on the inside.

Take the course preview for ¥100. Finish and get the preview bonuses. If you want more, apply to the course and we'll shave ¥5,000 off your program price as a reward for getting that far. Sign up using the link on this page. We can't wait to welcome you to this side of learning.

Course curriculum

    1. What's inside?

    2. Recap: EP15. れる、られる

    3. Recap: EP24. ないわけではあるまい

    4. Recap: EP30. ちがいない

    5. Recap: EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる

    6. Recap: EP61. ~も~だが~も~

    7. Selected Workbook Practice Pages

    8. 『水仙』The Complete Story

    9. Cold Listen & Initial Reading Para.16

    10. Reading Comprehension Quiz Para.16

    11. LEARNING SCIENCE: Study tips for the supplementary reading

    12. Supplementary Reading『母』

    13. Reading Comprehension『母』

    14. Anki deck, Audio Immersion Pack and Airtable