Course curriculum

    1. A message from Doc & Reiko

    2. A quick question...

    3. Now, ... START HERE.

    4. LEARNING SCIENCE: How to digest the videos

    5. LEARNING SCIENCE: How to do the cold listens

    6. 『水仙』The Complete Story

    1. Consolidated Anki Deck Downloads

    1. Section I begins here...

    1. Resources for Section I

    2. Audio Immersion Pack

    3. Complete PDF Sentence Bundle

    4. Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 001-059

    5. Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 060-185

    6. Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 186-304

    7. Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 305-335

    1. Workbook Answer Keys

    1. 1. Introduction and the Syllabary

    2. 2. Stem, Inflection, and Sound Levels

    3. 3. Godan Conjugation Pattern

    4. 4. Godan Conjugation Pattern Exceptions

    5. 5. Kami-ichidan Conjugation Pattern

    6. 6. Kami-ichidan Conjugation Pattern, deux

    7. 7. Shimo-ichidan Conjugation Pattern

    8. 8. Kahen Conjugation Pattern

    9. 9. Sahen Conjugation Pattern

    10. 10. Addendum 1

    11. 11. Addendum 2

    12. 12. Addendum 3

    13. 13. Addendum 4

    14. Verb Conjugation Selected Slides (Part 1-10)

    15. Verb Conjugation Addenda, Selected Slides (Part 10-13)

    16. Conjugation Charts (filled)

    17. Conjugation Charts (blank)