Course curriculum
A message from Doc & Reiko
A quick question...
Academic Honesty Statement
Now, ... START HERE.
LEARNING SCIENCE: How to digest the videos
LEARNING SCIENCE: How to do the cold listens
What's inside?
Recap: EP15. れる、られる
Recap: EP24. ないわけではあるまい
Recap: EP30. ちがいない
Recap: EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる
Recap: EP61. ~も~だが~も~
Selected Workbook Practice Pages
『水仙』The Complete Story
Cold Listen & Initial Reading Para.16
Reading Comprehension Quiz Para.16
LEARNING SCIENCE: Study tips for the supplementary reading
Supplementary Reading『母』
Reading Comprehension『母』
Anki deck, Audio Immersion Pack and Airtable
Consolidated Anki Deck Downloads
Section I begins here...
Resources for Section I
Audio Immersion Pack
Complete PDF Sentence Bundle
Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 001-059
Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 060-185
Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 186-304
Interactive Sentences w/ Audio 305-335
Workbook Answer Keys
1. Introduction and the Syllabary
2. Stem, Inflection, and Sound Levels
3. Godan Conjugation Pattern
4. Godan Conjugation Pattern Exceptions
5. Kami-ichidan Conjugation Pattern
6. Kami-ichidan Conjugation Pattern, deux
7. Shimo-ichidan Conjugation Pattern
8. Kahen Conjugation Pattern
9. Sahen Conjugation Pattern
10. Addendum 1
11. Addendum 2
12. Addendum 3
13. Addendum 4
Verb Conjugation Selected Slides (Part 1-10)
Verb Conjugation Addenda, Selected Slides (Part 10-13)
Conjugation Charts (filled)
Conjugation Charts (blank)
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 1
Paragraph 1: Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 1
Overview & Vocabulary 1
Pacing and Structure 1
EP. 1 First Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP. 2 という (Spotlight, #1)
EP. 2 という worksheet
EP. 2 という answer key
Recap: という
EP. 3-5 の (Spotlight, #2—Part I)
EP. 3-5 の (Spotlight, #2—Part II)
EP. 3-5 の (Spotlight, #2—Part III)
EP. 3-5 の worksheet
EP. 3-5 の answer key
Recap: の
EP. 6 こと (Spotlight, #3)
EP. 6 こと worksheet
EP. 6 こと answer key
Recap: こと
EP. 7 ている (Spotlight, #4—Part I)
EP. 7 ている (Spotlight, #4—Part II)
EP. 7 ている worksheet
EP. 7 ている answer key
Recap: ている
Writing Challenge: という
Writing Challenge: ている
What did you think?
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 2
Paragraph 2: Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 2
Overview & Vocabulary 2
Pacing and Structure 2
EP. 8 Second Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP9. ~ていたら~た (Spotlight, #5)
EP9. ~ていたら~た worksheet
EP9. ~ていたら~た answer key
Recap: ~ていたら~た
EP10. なかなか (Spotlight, #6)
EP10. なかなか worksheet
EP10. なかなか answer key
Recap: なかなか
EP11. ~てあげる (Spotlight, #7)
EP11. ~てあげる worksheet
EP11. ~てあげる answer key
Recap: ~てあげる
How is the pacing so far? And...
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 3 & 4
Paragraph 3 & 4: Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 3 & 4
Overview & Vocabulary 3 & 4
Pacing and Structure 3 & 4
EP12. Third and Fourth Paragraph Summaries
Vocabulary Quiz
EP13. ~てくれる (Spotlight, #8)
EP13. ~てくれる worksheet
EP13. ~てくれる answer key
Recap: ~てくれる
EP14. ~ていく (Spotlight, #9)
EP14. ~ていく worksheet
EP14. ~ていく answer key
Recap: ~ていく
EP15. れる、られる (Spotlight, #10—Part I)
EP15. れる、られる (Spotlight, #10—Part II)
EP15. れる、られる (Spotlight, #10—Part III)
EP15. れる、られる (Spotlight, #10—Part IV)
EP15. れる、られる (Spotlight, #10—Part V)
EP15. れる、られる worksheet
EP15. れる、られる answer key
Recap: れる、られる
EP16. たしか (Spotlight, #11)
EP16. たしか worksheet
EP16. たしか answer key
Recap: たしか
EP17. ~ては~ものだ (Spotlight, #12)
EP17. ~ては~ものだ worksheet
EP17. ~ては~ものだ answer key
Recap: ~ては~ものだ
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 5-1
Paragraph 5-1: Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 5-1
Overview & Vocabulary 5-1
Pacing and Structure 5-1
EP18. Fifth Paragraph Summary (Part I)
Vocabulary Quiz
EP19. ふいと (Spotlight, #13)
EP19. ふいと worksheet
EP19. ふいと answer key
Recap: ふいと
EP20. ではあるまいか (Spotlight, #14)
EP20. ではあるまいか worksheet
EP20. ではあるまいか answer key
Recap: ではあるまいか
EP21. ~てしまう(Spotlight, #15)
EP21. ~てしまう worksheet
EP21. ~てしまう answer key
Recap: ~てしまう
EP22. ようだ (Spotlight, #16)
EP22. ようだ worksheet
EP22. ようだ answer key
Recap: ようだ
EP23. という #2 (Spotlight, #17)
EP23. という #2 worksheet
EP23. という #2 answer key
Recap: という #2
EP24. ないわけではあるまい (Spotlight, #18)
EP24. ないわけではあるまい worksheet
EP24. ないわけではあるまい answer key
Recap: ないわけではあるまい
EP25. もの (Spotlight, #19)
EP25. もの worksheet
EP25. もの answer key
Recap: もの
EP26. べきはずはない (Spotlight, #20)
EP26. べきはずはない worksheet
EP26. べきはずはない answer key
Recap: べきはずはない
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 5-2
Paragraph 5-2: Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 5-2
Overview & Vocabulary 5-2
Pacing and Structure 5-2
EP27. Fifth Paragraph Summary (Part II)
Vocabulary Quiz
EP28. ~ならば~かもしれぬ (Spotlight, #21)
EP28. ~ならば~かもしれぬ worksheet
EP28. ~ならば~かもしれぬ answer key
Recap: ~ならば~かもしれぬ
EP29. そうだ (Spotlight, #22)
EP29. そうだ worksheet
EP29. そうだ answer key
Recap: そうだ
EP30. ちがいない (Spotlight, #23)
EP30. ちがいない worksheet
EP30. ちがいない answer key
Recap: ちがいない
EP31. ともなれば (Spotlight, #24)
EP31. ともなれば worksheet
EP31. ともなれば answer key
Recap: ともなれば
EP32. ~てくる (Spotlight, #25)
EP32. ~てくる worksheet
EP32. ~てくる answer key
Recap: ~てくる
EP33. ばかり (Spotlight, #26)
EP33. ばかり worksheet
EP33. ばかり answer key
Recap: ばかり
BONUS: The complete Section I slide deck library!
You're knockin' it out of the park!
Section I Review
Section I Comprehensive Test
LEARNING SCIENCE: Study tips for the supplementary reading
Supplementary Reading 1
Reading Comprehension『母』
Who would win?
Resources for Section II
Workbook Answer Keys
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 6 & 7
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 6 & 7
Overview & Vocabulary 6 & 7
Pacing and Structure 6 & 7
EP34. Sixth and Seventh Paragraph Summaries
Vocabulary Quiz
EP35. いよいよ (Spotlight, #27)
EP35. いよいよ worksheet
EP35. いよいよ answer key
Recap: いよいよ
EP36. とでもいう (Spotlight, #28)
EP36. とでもいう worksheet
EP36. とでもいう answer key
Recap: とでもいう
EP37. といっても (Spotlight, #29)
EP37. といっても worksheet
EP37. といっても answer key
Recap: といっても
EP38. ~と (Spotlight, #30)
EP38. ~と worksheet
EP38. ~と answer key
Recap: ~と
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 8
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 8
Overview & Vocabulary 8
Pacing and Structure 8
EP39. Eighth Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP40. よっぽど (Spotlight, #31)
EP40. よっぽど worksheet
EP40. よっぽど answer key
Recap: よっぽど
EP41. ~て (Spotlight, #32)
EP41. ~て worksheet
EP41. ~て answer key
Recap: ~て
EP42. ~から (Spotlight, #33)
EP42. ~から worksheet
EP42. ~から answer key
Recap: ~から
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 9
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 9
Overview & Vocabulary 9
Pacing and Structure 9
EP43. Ninth Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP44. 敬語 (Spotlight, #34)
EP44. 敬語 worksheet
EP44. 敬語 answer key
Recap: 敬語
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 10
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 10
Overview & Vocabulary 10
Pacing and Structure 10
EP45. Tenth Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP46. ばかりか (Spotlight, #35)
EP46. ばかりか worksheet
EP46. ばかりか answer key
Recap: ばかりか
EP47. そうだ #2 (Spotlight, #36)
EP47. そうだ #2 worksheet
EP47. そうだ #2 answer key
Recap: そうだ #2
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 11
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 11
Overview & Vocabulary 11
Pacing and Structure 11
EP48. Eleventh Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
EP49. そうだ #3 (Spotlight, #37—Part I)
EP49. そうだ #3 (Spotlight, #37—Part II)
EP49. そうだ #3 (Spotlight, #37—Part III)
EP49. そうだ#3 worksheet
EP49. そうだ#3 answer key
Recap: そうだ #3
EP50. まま (Spotlight, #38—Part I)
EP50. まま (Spotlight, #38—Part II)
EP50. まま worksheet
EP50. まま answer key
Recap: EP50. まま
BONUS: The complete Section II slide deck library!
Section II Review
Section II Comprehensive Test
Supplementary Reading 2
Which book?
Resources for Section III
Workbook Answer Keys
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 12 & 13-1
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 12 & 13-1
Overview & Vocabulary 12 & 13-1
Pacing and Structure 12 & 13-1
EP51. Twelfth and Thirteenth (PT1) Paragraph Summaries
Vocabulary Quiz
EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる (Spotlight, #39—Part I)
EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる (Spotlight, #39—Part II)
EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる worksheet
EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる answer key
Recap: EP52. ない、ず、ぬ、ざる
EP53. ~た(連体修飾) (Spotlight, #40—Part I)
EP53. ~た(連体修飾) (Spotlight, #40—Part II)
EP53. ~た(連体修飾) (Spotlight, #40—Part III)
EP53. ~た(連体修飾)worksheet
EP53. ~た(連体修飾)answer key
Recap: EP53. ~た(連体修飾)
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 13-2
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 13-2
Overview & Vocabulary 13-2
Pacing and Structure 13-2
EP54. Thirteenth Paragraph Summary (Part II)
Vocabulary Quiz
EP55. せる、させる (Spotlight, #41—Part I)
EP55. せる、させる (Spotlight, #41—Part II)
EP55. せる、させる (Spotlight, #41—Part III)
EP55. せる、させる worksheet
EP55. せる、させる answer key
Recap: EP55. せる、させる
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 14 & 15
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 14 & 15
Overview & Vocabulary 14 & 15
Pacing and Structure 14 & 15
EP56. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Paragraph Summaries
Vocabulary Quiz
EP57. ~ではおれない (Spotlight, #42—Part I)
EP57. ~ではおれない (Spotlight, #42—Part II)
EP57. ~ではおれない worksheet
EP57. ~ではおれない answer key
Recap: EP57. ~ではおれない
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 16
Cold Listen and Initial Reading 16
Reading Comprehension Quiz 16
Overview & Vocabulary 16
Pacing and Structure 16
EP58. Sixteenth Paragraph Summary
Vocabulary Quiz
Pre-lesson Vocabulary with Audio 17 & 18
Cold Listen and Initial Reading
Reading Comprehension Quiz 17 & 18
Overview & Vocabulary 17 & 18
Pacing and Structure 17 & 18
EP59. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Paragraph Summaries
Vocabulary Quiz
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 (Spotlight, #43—Part I)
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 (Spotlight, #43—Part II)
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 (Spotlight, #43—Part III)
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 (Spotlight, #43—Part IV)
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 worksheet
EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現 answer key
Recap: EP60. ~てもらう, 授受表現
EP61. ~も~だが~も~ (Spotlight, #44—Part I)
EP61. ~も~だが~も~ (Spotlight, #44—Part II)
EP61. ~も~だが~も~ worksheet
EP61. ~も~だが~も~ answer key
Recap: EP61. ~も~だが~も~
BONUS: The complete Section III slide deck library!
Section III Review
Level Check Quizについて
Level Check Quiz
Level Check Quiz Audio & English Translation
Supplementary Reading 3
Section IV begins here.
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Section V begins here.
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students
Reserved for enrolled students